This inventory is designed for Ministry Spouses.
Please select the answer that best describes your response to each statement.
Your first instinct is usually the best answer.
1. I rely on the Holy Spirit to know how to live my life.
2. I like "infecting" a group with joy and energy.
3. I am good at organizing and managing.
4. I mentor younger Christians.
5. I am growing deeper in my knowledge of Scripture.
6. I am good at reading the energy level of a crowd.
7. I help our church move its ministry beyond its walls.
8. I can accomplish the skills and duties required to do an excellent job at my work.
9. Most days I have an extended time of prayer.
10. I can be good at connecting with a crowd and commanding their attention.
11. I like to get people organized and moving forward in the same direction.
12. I invest significant time encouraging people and teaching them to function better.
13. I look for new ways to increase the group spirit of our church.
14. I take plenty of time to cultivate my spiritual life.
15. Our church has a clear and compelling ministry plan.
16. My spouse and I have invigorating talks about the future of our church.
17. My devotional life is rich and fulfilling.
18. I love attending a good party.
19. I welcome it when someone points out a weakness in me.
20. A great meeting is when we get something concrete accomplished.
21. I consciously follow Jesus' example in my daily life.
22. I am gifted at expressing love.
23. I don't just want to help someone; I want to solve their root problem.
24. I like telling others about our church's future potential.
25. I love listening to deep sermons.
26. I keep in close touch with my many friends and acquaintances.
27. I can delegate tasks to others.
28. I can plan the sequence of activities that will complete a project.
29. I often send encouraging emails and notes.
30. I am driven to get projects finished.
31. I encourage people by reminding them of their gifts and talents.
32. I like being challenged to go deeper in Christ.
33. I serve by connecting with people's hearts.
34. A primary goal in my life is to advance the Kingdom of God.
35. I study the Scriptures diligently and thoroughly each week.
36. I am happy to carry the 'weight' of responsibility.
37. I am known for asking questions.
38. I am good at foreseeing what is needed in the future.
39. I have strong emotional intelligence.
40. I practice many of the spiritual disciplines.
41. I have a person who holds me accountable for my personal and spiritual life.
42. I have strong leadership instincts.
43. I am diligent at organizing tasks.
44. I watch to see which leader's ministry produces lasting fruit.
45. In the last two years, I have grown significantly in knowing how to more fruitful for God.
46. Understanding financial reports comes easily to me.
47. I am good at gathering and connecting people.
48. I have strong spiritual instincts.

First Name
Last Name
Years in Role

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