There are 12 online resources available on the SixStyles website to help you get the maximum benefit from the "Discovering Your Leadership Style" book. Here you will find links for the SixStyles free inventories and tools, as well as the more advanced tools; and learn how to upgrade to the Extended Report of your style and how to order the "Discovering Your Leadership Style" book that this website is based upon.Here is the suggested road to take, so you receive the maximum help as a leader:
- Take the free leadership inventory: click here. There are eight different inventories, one matches your current role.
- Study your 3-page Style Profile that appears instantly after you take the free inventory. It will give you an overview of your scores in Spirituality, Chemistry and Strategy, as well as your Leadership Wisdom score, and your Style of Christian leadership.
- Buy "Discovering Your Leadership Style," which is the book that the inventory is based upon. You can purchase the book here.
- Upgrade to the Expanded Style Profile - each complete report contains 20 pages of helpful information about you, your Style and how knowing your Style will help you grow stronger and deeper as a leader. It contains much more information about your specific style than the corresponding style chapter in the book. The cost is $9.95, but is 50% off ($4.95) during April - June.
- Have your team(s) take the Team Profile. The Team Profile will create a team profile of your whole staff and/or board. You will receive back a 4 page report that will guide your team through a conversation on who they are and what it means to serve together. It will help them individually discover their Style (and what that mean for them), as well as help each person understand the style of the other team members. Hundreds of churches have used this inventory in a "pre-release" version, and have found it both energizing and insightful to forming a stronger group identity. Boards, leadership teams and committees will all find this a fun and insightful activity, that will bear fruit immediately.
- Order the free "Team Study Tool". This online team tool will engage and enrich each member of your team as they together read and discuss the 5 Sections of "Discovering Your Leadership Style." Go here to learn more about how this simple, but powerful online tool can deepen the Leadership abilities of your team.
- Use the free online "Gifts, Passion and Personality Inventory". It is designed to help a person understand with greater clarity their gifts, passions and personality, and how those three areas provide the raw material for how to God created them to lead.
- The Nine Practices Inventory will help you evaluate a staff member or potential staff hire in the Nine Primary Practices of fruitful Christian ministry. The Nine Practices are: Pray, Gather, Evangelize, Disciple, Serve, Preach, Lead, Grow and IT. This inventory is free.
- Sign up for "Daily Leadership Inspiration." You can either receive it via your email or access it with an App. It is free, and will begin your subscription May 1.
- The "Personal Growth Tool" is an online inventory that will evaluate you in the twelve core foundations and produce a customized growth plan for you. It also provides accompanying resources to strategically strengthen your twelve core foundations, based on your responses in the online inventory. It will be available in June, 2014.
- The "Mentoring and Coaching Tool" uses a 360 process to help a leader gain greater self-awareness of how others experience them, and how to strengthen their leadership. It will by available in August, 2014.
- Find out about the coming "Passion to Serve" program, available in the fall of 2014. Using the SixStyle model, "Passion to Serve" will allow a congregation to help each member discover their strongest leg for service, as well as their specific Servant Style. A "Passion to Serve" will provide your church with a powerful, yet simple way to mobilize and deploy your members to use their natural and spiritual gifts to serve God - in their church, community and world.
BUY THE BOOK Order Discovering Your Leadership Style, the companion to the Six Styles suite of online tools. Click Here |
LINKS & RESOURCES Discover all the tools and literature available to help you strengthen your leadership ability. Click Here |
LEADERSHIP PATHWAY Journey down the pathway to becoming a more effective, better equipped Christian Leader. Click Here |
© 2025 David T. Olson